
“I love to exercise, and as a former collegiate athlete, I have trained at a serious level. .. however; Pilates is the most comprehensive program I have ever done. It is changing the way I move — as a golfer, nothing is better for your body.”

– Kim D.

“My motivation for doing Pilates is to remain active well into my 80’s. It has not disappointed. There is no better way to strengthen your core. Pilates is something you never really master. There is always more to learn and improve on — so it never gets boring. Studio 6 keeps it fun and fresh. It may not put years on your life, but it will put more life into your years. I strongly recommend it!”

– Brian K.

“Having entered the Romana’s Pilates world as a referral from my chiropractor and a skeptic, I have become a “true believer.” As a golf professional with back problems, flexibility issues and a bad hip, that all were affecting the quality of my life and my ability to play golf competitively, I was looking for something, anything that would help. Instead, what I am getting is not just some solutions, but rather an understanding of my body, a view of the wholeness of form and insights as to how to use these tools to improve the quality of my life, my golf swing and my competitive edge. Studio 6 has become my Pilates Club. Anyone I have ever recommended has come away feeling exactly the same way.”

– Dennis L. Johnsen, Pine Meadow Golf Professional